Volunteer Application
  • Estimated times available to volunteer:

  •   Brushing/Grooming
      Transport Animals
      Picking up supplied
      Fostering animals
      Show animals to adopters
      Public relations
      Collecting donations
      G.I. Wishes phone line crew
      Special Fundraising

  •   yes
  •   yes
  •   yes
  •   yes
  • Applicant, named above, hereby agrees to accept a position in a VOLUNTARY capacity as a volunteer for G. I. Wishes. Applicant understands that the term VOLUNTARY means the way in which actions or services are rendered to G. I. Wishes. Such actions or services rendered to G. I. Wishes with generous and charitable motives. No liability whatsoever will be incurred by G. I. Wishes to anyone who performs VOLUNTARY actions or services. Applicant understands that the term Volunteer means a person who freely chooses and renders services to G. I. Wishes in a VOLUNTARY capacity.


  • 1. I fully understand and agree that my services are provided strictly in a VOLUNTARY
    2. I fully understand and agree that I am providing service to G. I. Wishes as VOLUNTEER.
    3. I fully understand and agree that to provide my services to G. I. Wishes as a VOLUNTEER
    in a voluntary capacity without any express or implied promises of salary, compensation or
    payment of any kind whatsoever.
    4. I fully understand and agree to provide my services to G. I. Wishes as a VOLUNTEER in
    a voluntary capacity without any employment-type benefits, including but not limited to
    employment insurance programs, worker’s compensation accrual in any form, vacations or
    sick time.
    5. I fully understand that G. I. Wishes handles a large number of animals on a daily basis.
    The temperament of these animals is unknown to G. I. Wishes. I agree to hold G. I. Wishes harmless for any injury(s) which I might sustain from handling animals during
    6. I fully understand and agree to assume all risks involved in any and all duties that I
    perform for G. I. Wishes in my VOLUNTEER capacity. Such duties include but are not
    limited to animal handling, custodial work, kennel staff assistance, secretarial assistance,
    and other foreseeable VOLUNTEER duties.
    7. I agree to familiarize myself with G. I. Wishes’ policies and procedures. I will fully
    comply with both the letter and the spirit of these policies and procedures.
    8. I fully understand that G. I. Wishes expects high standards of moral and ethical treatment
    of the animals under its care. I agree to adhere strictly to these standards in my voluntary
    capacity with G. I. Wishes.
    9. I fully understand and agree that either for failure to comply with any and all of these
    Obligations outlined in this VOLUNTEER AGREEMENT or for any reason whatsoever,
    While performing my VOLUNTEER services to G. I. Wishes in a voluntary capacity,
    G. I. Wishes, at its sole discretion, may immediately terminate my services.


  • 1. I agree to release, discharge, indemnify and hold G. I. Wishes harmless for any and all
    damage to my personal property while performing my VOLUNTEER services to G. I.
    Wishes in a voluntary capacity.
    2. I recognize that in handling animals at G. I. Wishes while performing my VOLUNTEER
    Services there exists a risk of injury including personal physical harm. On behalf of myself, my heirs, personal representatives and executors, I hereby release, discharge,
    indemnify and hold harmless G. I. Wishes, its agents, servants, and employees from any
    and all claims, causes of action or demands, of any nature or cause connected with my
    VOLUNTEER AGREEMENT. This might include costs and attorney’s fees and court
    costs incurred by G. I. Wishes in connection with my damages or injuries and personal
    property damage.
    3. I understand that public relations is an important part of VOLUNTEERING for G. I.
    Wishes, I therefore, agree on behalf of myself, my heirs, personal representatives and
    executors to allow G. I. Wishes to use any photographs taken of me for use in public
    relations efforts. G. I. Wishes will use reasonable efforts to notify me but such notification is not a condition of the photographs release for public relations purposes.